Environmental Management System

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Sankei believes that companies should aim to minimize their environmental impact to protect the global environment. Sankei has been proactive in developing an environmental policy and strives to establish and nurture a green and sustainable society.

Factory Greening


Adding greenery can improve residential, business and factory environments by providing comfort and enriching our lives.
Sankei has planted trees around their parking areas with these goals in mind, but also as a significant contributor to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Joint Tree-Planting Ceremony


Sankei planted around 100 azalea trees.

Environmental Policy

Core Philosophy

As an auto parts manufacturer specializing in maintenance and replacement parts that are supplied worldwide, Sankei Industry Co., Ltd. shall conform to the requirements of ISO 14001 and act in an environmentally friendly manner in pursuit of peace, conservation and global stability.

Environmental policy

The Company shall comply with environmental laws and other regulations that it agrees to observe.
The Company shall survey and assess the impact of its business activities on the environment, define environmental objectives, and continuously work for energy and resource conservation, waste reduction, recycling, etc.
The Company shall maintain, review, and continuously improve its Environmental Management System and make efforts to prevent pollution and optimize environmental performance.
The Company shall strive for social contribution and harmony with the local community through environmental conservation activities.
All employees shall maintain awareness of and responsibility for environmental management and commitment to voluntary stewardship.
This environmental policy shall be disseminated to all employees and also disclosed to the public.